Canopy Apartments (Orlando, FL)

ESS’ first retrofit project in the Florida real estate market
Canopy Apartments is a 56 building, 296-unit garden-style multi-family apartment complex in Orlando, FL. The complex features a mix of 1,2, and 3-bedroom units arranged in 1 and 2 story buildings across the property. Built in 1981, the all-electric property features many original building systems.
Through the ESS retrofit process, Canopy is expected to avoid 906 tons of CO2 each year. ESS improvements to the property’s building envelope include LED lighting and roof insulation upgrades. The ESS scope also includes full retrofit of the HVAC and hot water systems with high efficiency heat pumps and heat pump water heaters, thus improving unit energy resiliency and reducing energy demand.
With the aim of maximizing CO2 savings at Canopy, ESS plans to install approximately 260 kW (DC) of rooftop solar PV at Canopy, thus reducing complex wide electricity consumption by approximately 20%.
Although not directly associated with energy saving initiatives, water conservation also advances ESS’ goal towards a sustainable real estate industry. ESS plans on upgrading Canopy’s original toilets to 1.28 GPF low flow toilets, thus decreasing property toilet water consumption and wastewater production by 60%.
Following the construction of the property’s new energy infrastructure, ESS will manage, maintain, and monitor these systems to maximize energy efficiency and environmental health through our integrated energy management and monitoring system.